FOPH - Federal Office of Public Health / Pilot Projects Switzerland

BAG - Federal Office of Public Health / Pilot Projects Switzerland -

The direct link to all information on our Swiss federal server on the subject of pilot projects in Switzerland. To projects

Overview of the approved pilot tests

Here you will find an overview of the currently approved pilot projects in Switzerland. pilot projects

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about pilot trials with cannabis in Switzerland

The most frequently asked questions about pilot projects including cultivation in Switzerland - you will find the answers here.
FAQ-read more

Form for recording producer list pilot tests

Would you like to apply as a possible producer for the pilot projects?
Here you will find the Form as Download (PDF)

BAG - Federal Office of Public Health / Overview of the contaminant limit values for pilot projects

A summary overview of the specified (BAG) limit values (contaminants) for cannabis for Swiss pilot projects Download_contaminants (PDF).

Designer drugs: Eleven other substances banned - including HHC / 31. März 2023

On Friday, the federal government banned eleven other psychoactive substances as designer drugs. You're new on the narcotics list. These include the synthetic cannabis active ingredient HHC, which is widely available on the Internet.
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